
I start this new decade recording the new Monster Magnet record, beginning January 4th through March. This is our 4th outing together and I expect it to be just as hard-hitting as the rest have been. I'm looking forward to it.

Here's how 2010 is looking:
After the Monster Magnet record then getting ready to jump over to Finland to record the Children of Booom album. Towards the end of this year I am slated to do the new ASG album which will be great.

Seeing double - There is apparently another Matt Hyde rock producer out there - who knew? I guess he's in England somewhere. I suppose it's not a huge surprise since Matt Hyde is a pretty common name, but I was made aware of at least one pretty major record that I did which is mis-credited on one of his sites. I just hope he checks these things and has some integrity. I also hope his work is good enough that it doesn't cost me work or hurt the reputation I've spent the last 17 years creating!

Check back often for updates!

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